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Milwaukee Public Schools is committed to engaging alumni.  We aim to promote alumni networks across the district to foster pride, loyalty and lifelong commitment to our schools and continued relationships among our graduates.

We celebrate our alumni as part of the MPS "Forever Family". We want to connect, organize and support alumni in the work being done in our schools and in our community.

MPS needs your voices, hands and leadership to reach our goals.

Please take a few moments to complete the form at the bottom of this page.

After you complete the form, contact David Valdés to receive your official MPS Alumni lapel pin!

Plug Into the Hub!


Would you like to receive information about alumni events, news and updates?

Sign up by filling out the form below.

* = required

First Name *

Last Name






County of Residence

Where do you work?

Alma Mater *

Graduation Year

If you attended MPS for K-8, please list all schools attended. 

Would you be interested in being a mentor to an MPS student?


Phone: 414-475-8633

Milwaukee Public Schools
5225 W. Vliet Street, Room 131
Milwaukee, WI 53208

Alumni Engagement Associate
David Valdés

100 Ways to Engage with MPS



Are you interested in volunteering in an MPS classroom?  Or providing clerical assistance in an MPS office?  How about lending a hand in a cafeteria or on the playground?  


MPS offers on-going and one time volunteer opportunities throughout the school year.


Visit our Volunteer page to see a list of opportunities and apply to help our students succeed today!

© Milwaukee Public Schools 2023
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