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James Madison High School


Year-round, first responders’ brave challenges so the rest of us may stay safe. In honor of their hard work and dedication, MPS Alumni would like to honor and celebrate these heroes for selflessly protecting and serving our communities. We honor the courage, commitment, and sacrifices of those in the fire service, law enforcement, and emergency medical services (EMS) communities, as well as our nation’s public servants. Join us in celebrating the Alumni “heroes among us” during these crucial times in our lives.

LeAnn Boudwine is the epitome of graciousness when it comes to giving back to the community. She graduated from James Madison High School in January, 1981. LeAnn started mailing care packages to the troops 15 years ago when, at that time, her second military son was overseas. "To date, we've mailed over 14,000 care packages to the troops. Anyone who knows of anyone in the military can nominate someone, and a package will be delivered to them."  LeAnn's group is 100% volunteer and rely on donations, both in products and monetary supplements - for postage and mailing. "We do not receive any government funding; we solely exist because of the love from others for the troops who are serving overseas." Both of LeAnn's sons are out of the military after doing several deployments each. However, her daughter-in-law is still serving as a Lieutenant in the Air Force.


Support The Troops WI was started in 2007 by one mother sending care packages to her sons overseas. After hearing from her sons when they were deployed that other soldiers did not receive mail, she was compelled to start sending boxes to others as well. The momentum continued, even when her children returned home, and Support the Troops WI was created.

We have grown from a one room operation at her home to a donated store front with many volunteers. All of the items for the care packages and postage are from donations, and to date, more than *14,000* care packages have been sent to our troops deployed all around the world with their generous support. Some soldiers have families that are able to send them care packages and many do not. It is our goal to send a care package to as many of our soldiers as possible so that we can give them necessary essentials that may not be readily available, along with a bit of comfort from home. Those that already receive packages always share with others but there are many more that go without. We feel the need to continue to help those serving overseas, whether it be our own children, or someone else’s daughter, son, brother, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.

The many thanks we get from the recipients give us the motivation and determination to continue our efforts, and we couldn't do it without all of your help and support.

Support The Troops WI
We have boxes ready to mail. If you have a family member or friend currently serving overseas, we would like to send them a care package.
Please e-mail us with their address

Video coverage of organization:




Join us in celebrating alumni Heroes Among Us during these challenging times in our lives. Would you like to share a story of a Hero Among Us? Contact

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