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Current MPS high school seniors

Current MPS high school seniors may request as many transcripts as needed at no cost using Parchment.

Once an official request has been made, and has been approved by your high school, Parchment will send an official transcript to your selected institutions across the United States.

MPS Alumni Graduates: Years 2002 – 2019

In 2017, MPS began using Parchment to send official transcripts to improve the process for students applying to college. Parchment is an electronic system that allows current and former students to request transcripts online. Once the request is approved at the school level, Parchment will deliver your transcripts to the colleges of your choice, in the format they prefer, or directly to you.

Parchment has final transcripts dating back to the Class of 2002. Alumni from the Class of 2002 and later are encouraged to use Parchment for transcript requests. Transcripts via Parchment will cost $7.00 and paper copies will cost $6.00.

MPS Alumni Graduates and Non-Graduates: Years 2001 & earlier

To obtain a copy of your high school transcript, please contact the high school you last attended.

If your high school no longer exists but a current MPS school occupies that building, your transcript can be obtained from that school.

If your high school no longer exists and there is no MPS school in the building, you should to go to the Department of Student Services, at Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office, Room 133.

The cost of a transcript is $6.00 per transcript requested. Transcripts are generally available within 24 hours of the official request of a transcript.

To make ordering transcripts easier for you, select the link below that fits your transcript request.

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  To obtain a copy of your high school transcript from a current MPS high school, please contact the school.
Alliance School Order Credentials from Parchment
Audubon High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Bay View High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Bradley Tech High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Community High School (Burroughs Complex) Order Credentials from Parchment
Groppi High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Hamilton High School Order Credentials from Parchment
MacDowell Montessori Order Credentials from Parchment
Madison Academic Campus Order Credentials from Parchment
Meir School Order Credentials from Parchment
Milwaukee Community Cyber  
Milwaukee High School of the Arts Order Credentials from Parchment
Milwaukee School of Languages Order Credentials from Parchment
Milwaukee Marshall High School Order Credentials from Parchment
New School for Community Services (8th Street Complex) Order Credentials from Parchment
North Division High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Obama School of Career and Technical Education (Custer Complex) Order Credentials from Parchment
Pulaski High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Project STAY Order Credentials from Parchment
Reagan College Prep High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Riverside University High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Rufus King High School Campus Order Credentials from Parchment
South Division High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Transition High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Vincent High School Order Credentials from Parchment
Washington High School of IT Order Credentials from Parchment
Wisconsin Conservatory of Lifelong Learning Order Credentials from Parchment
  To obtain a copy of your high school transcript, contact the former high school of attendance. If the name has changed and the building is still operable, please contact that school for your transcript.

Alliance School

      Metropolitan High School

Craig Montessori

      Craig Alternative High School

Groppi High School

      Kilmer High School

Hayes Bilingual

      Hayes Alternative High School

Hmong American Peace Academy

Lincoln Center of the Arts

      Lincoln High School (Before 1979)

MacDowell Montessori

      Juneau High School

      Montessori IB

Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language

      Grand Avenue High School

Milwaukee Community Cyber

Milwaukee High School of the Arts

      West Division High School

Milwaukee School of Languages

Morse Marshall Gifted and Talented

      Du Bois High School

      Marshall High School

      Milwaukee Academy of Aviation (MAAST)

North Division High School

      Genesis School of Business

      Milwaukee African American Immersion

      School of Humanities

      Truth Institute for Leadership & Services

Obama School of Career and Technical Education (Custer Complex)

      Custer High School

      Lady Pitts

      Northern Star

      School of Career and Technical Education

Project Stay

      Project School to Work

      Project Stay Senior Institute

Pulaski High School

Reagan College Prep High School

Riverside University High School

Rufus King High School Campus

South Division High School

      Advance Language & Academic Studies (ALAS)

Transition High School


      Milwaukee Learning Laboratory

Washington High School of IT

      WHS of Expeditional Learning

      WHS of Information Technology

      WHS of  Law

Wisconsin Conservatory of Lifelong Learning

  To obtain a copy of a transcript from a MPS high school that is no longer in existence, please contact central records in the Office of Family and Student Services at 5225 W. Vliet Street, room 133.
Click here obtain a copy of a transcript from a MPS high school that is no longer in existence Order Credentials from Parchment

Academic Solutions (Ricardo Brooks - No Contact)

Afro-Urban Institue

Assata High School

Aurora Weier Education Center

CITIES Project High School

Cornerstone Achievement



Demmer Alternative

Edison High School

El Puente High School (If on ESIS - Central Records)


Foster & Williams

Grandview High School

HR Academy

Inland Seas (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

Institute for Career Empowerment (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

International Peace Academy

Lad Lake Synergy

Lad Lake Ultra

Lapham Alternative

Leader Institute (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

Learning Enterprise High School

Learning Enterprise (Choice - Mr. Patterson, call 414-531-9503)

Lincoln Alternative

Loyola Academy

Malcolm X

MATC (Over 16)

Mills Christian Academy (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

Milwaukee Business High School

Milwaukee County Youth Education Center

Milwaukee School of Entreprreneurship

Milwaukee Spectrum (Limited records)

Phoenix Alternative

Phoenix High School

Pleasent View

Preparatory School for Global Leadership

Professional Learning Institute

Project Excel

School for Urban Planning & Architecture

SER - Jobs for Progress

Sixty-Eight Street School

Spectrum (Limited Records)

Spotted Eagle High School

St. Charles Education Center

St. Charles Youth & Family Services

Synergy High School

TIE Center

Tucker Institute (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

Tuskegee Aviations (Limited records in file cabinet, call 414-475-8033)

Vel Phillips School

Veritas High School (On ESIS - Central Records)

Wings Academy

Wisconsin Career Academy

Wisconsin College Prep (Ali Yilmaz (email only:

WORK Institute

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