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Join an MPS steering committee to explore schools’ future for the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan

Two young MPS students smile during class.Would you like to have a positive impact on student experiences across Milwaukee?   

Milwaukee Public Schools is seeking interested and committed MPS family members, staff, and students, along with other community members, to serve on steering committees to help guide decisions about our buildings. The district is working with Perkins Eastman, the consultant studying MPS buildings on this project.   

An interest form can be found on the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan website. Submissions for serving on the steering committees will be accepted until January 17. The first meetings could take place as soon as late January.  

Those who are selected would serve on a citywide and/or regional steering committee to help guide the district’s plan for its facilities. Meetings will be held monthly.  

The regional steering committees will represent the Central, East, Northwest, and Southwest areas of the school district. Committee members will provide input that is specific to their region, which will help guide overall decision making. Some members of regional steering committees also will serve on the citywide committee.  

The citywide committee will bring together the insights and priorities of the regional steering committees. It will address needs on the district level as well as the local level.     

All steering committees will review data, assess needs and challenges, and prioritize strategies in order for the district to balance its building populations. That balance will allow MPS to provide high-quality learning environments and educational opportunities for all students.   

The input of committee members is essential. It will ensure that the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan reflects the needs, values, and aspirations of the communities that MPS serves.  

For more information about the 10-year plan and to subscribe to project updates, please visit   

The committees' work will help ensure that the learning spaces in Milwaukee Public Schools meet the needs of students and the community well into the future.  Submit an interest form today! 


© Milwaukee Public Schools 2023
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