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Student job board is open to employers and MPS students

MPS has a new Student Job Board to help connect employers and students! Employers are continuing to create accounts and add positions. Students can browse part-time and summer jobs and find youth apprenticeships, internships, volunteer opportunities, events, resources, and community programs.

MPS High School StudentsStudents can also upload a resume so employers can find them and send a message. Students decide whether to follow up—no personal information is shared with employers until students give permission.

The Job Board also allows students to research career areas, save jobs, and track applications.

Students should fill out their information to create an account and allow 48 hours for the account to be approved. Then they will have full access to job listings and tools.

Links to the job board and instructional flyers are available for employers and students on the MPS Career and Technical Education web page. Download a flyer first to get started.

The Student Job Board is also available to MPS Alumni! If you graduated from an MPS high school, you can create an account and access job listings.

Get started on your career journey!


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